Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week2 - Dwellings (Scary CareBear Drafts)

Week1 - Creature 3 (DemonBird)

Of the dragon type. This creature has extremely high resistance to fire, many have thought to have seen this creature near mountainous and fiery terrains, such as abandoned castles situated on mountain tops or areas that are near active volcanoes.

Week1 - Creature 2 (BigBird)

Little is known about this giant version of a chicken with spikes protruding out from it's body. The only confirmed information on this creature is that they live in barren areas.

Week1 - Creature 1 (Scary CareBear)

To reach his/her maximum capabilities, this creature requires another companion. Living in areas with enormous trees, waiting for strong creatures to test and see if they are worthy of traveling with he/she.

Week1 - Other Creatures.